Exclusive Lesson ''CLAUSES''

Gooenglish | 1:50 AM | 0 Give a comment:



W E L C O M   T O   G O O E N G L I S H . C O M
.a. Meet the above qualifications for clauses
.b. May be regarded as sentences since they make sense
.She had not finished the exam and was sure to get a low grade
.a. Meet the above qualifications for clauses
.b. Do not make sense and are regarded as fragments
.Because she had not finished the exam


Noun clauses are dependent clauses used like nouns
.a. That she had not finished the exam was the reason for her low grade
(.The noun clause that she had not finished the exam is used as the subject of the sentence )
.b. I know what I will do today
(.The noun clause what I will do today is used as the direct object of the verb know )
.c. Fatiha wondered about what she should do next
(.The noun clause what she should do next is the object of the preposition about )
:NOTE : If we were to take out the preposition, then the sentence becomes
.Fatiha wondered what she would do next
The noun clause thus becomes the object of the verb wondered and the sentence takes )
 (.on a more urgent form

.Adjective clauses are used to point out or describe any noun or pronoun in the sentence

( ..a. A relative pronoun ( who, whom, whose, which, that
.always introduces an adjective clause
.b. Adjective clauses may be restrictive or nonrestrictive
.The car which is parked by the curb belongs to me
(.The adjective clause, which is parked by the curb, modifies car in a restrictive way )
.The car, which is parked by the curb, belongs to me
{,}Setting off the adjective clause with commas )
is nonrestrictive and subtly changes the meaning of the sentence since, in the first sentence, we are
.saying that only the car which is parked by the curb belongs to me
In the second sentence, we are saying that the car belongs to me, and, by the way, it is parked
(.at the curb  

.Adverbial clauses are used as adverbs
,a. Adverbial clauses are introduced by subordinate conjunctions (after, although, as, as if, because
.(before, if, since, so that, that, unless, until, when, where, while
.b. When the adverb clause begins a sentence, it is set off by a comma
.Because he was late, she was angry
(.The adverbial clause because he was late modifies the adjective angry )
.She was angry because he was late
This express the same idea without requiring the comma, since the subordinate conjunction )
(.does not come at the begining of the sentence


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